Grand Novel Contest

UPDATE: I’m currently sitting at 251st place with the voting! I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but I know with YOUR help I can do better! 

“I have done something brave.” Well, something I consider very brave. For me. You know, because I’ve never done it before.

“What is this incredibly brave and selfless thing that you have done?” You ask.

I blush and confess. “I entered my latest novel–you know, INERTIA, the one with all the five star reviews?–in a novel contest.”

635939429028651305-747438658_storytellerOkay, so that was a little dramatic, but I really did enter a contest!

This is huge for me because contrary to my blabbery all over his blog, I’m pretty tight-lipped about my writing in everyday life. But someone tweeted me a few days ago and mentioned this contest. I looked into it and thought, “What the heck?!”

imagesI’ve got nothing to lose but opportunity.

So, I went for it.

Now, the key to winning this contest is readers. wpid-img_336933048441416.jpegSo I’m pulling out all the stops, and asking you, my dear faithful, helpful readers and fellow writers, to read my book. For free, of course! Or just VOTE for it! It’s like, click-click and then you’re done.

The contest is through Inkitt. Click-click people. It’s easy.


You know you want to. ian-somerhalder-vampire-diaries-i-know-youre-obsessed-with-me

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